Friday, August 03, 2007

Day 2

Well this is day two of my experiment. I'm still loving it, but it has taken some getting used to. As long as I speak clearly and correctly there usually isn't a problem it also likes to take its time a typing my words. So here goes...

Have a lot of stuff I have to get done today. I might have to go to beacon hill, Ive Gotta get some insurance thing straight with my sister, who I am not getting along with very well right now. And I've Gotta try and get Ahold of these people in gig harbor about doing Little Shop of Horrors. And I would really like to get into a movie or figure out some way of getting an agent to get me booked in Europe. Or Japan would be really cool also. Anyway, is not like I can't get these jobs. It is just sometimes I can't figure out where to look for these jobs. I've been thinking strongly about guest spots on cruise ships. The reason for that is, Laura, my significant other, the love of my life, the reason I live. I would prefer not to be away from her for that long of a time. If I were famous I could take her with me. But as of yet, I have not achieved fame and fortune. I hope to someday be there soon. But I need to make a concerted effort to get myself out there but I just don't like being away from home for that amount of time. I could do two months, maybe even three on the outside.

In the coming days I will let you know what my plans are for achieving such a thing. It is difficult to balance your acting career, the work that to do, the films that you make with your home life. This is probably the reason I don't have kids. I would have to share the little bit of time that did have aat home with the kids and Laura. And to be quite honest, I'd rather spend my time with her. Growing old and tired of each other.
Talk to you tomorrow,
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